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2015年 研究業績


Akter S, Eguchi M, Kurotani K, Kochi T, Pham NM, Ito R, Kuwahara K, Tsuruoka H, Mizoue T, Kabe I, Nanri A. High dietary acid load is associated with increased prevalence of hypertension: the Furukawa Nutrition and Health Study. Nutrition, 31(2):298-303, 2015. (Feb)  PubMed.gif

Nanri A, Mizoue T, Kurotani K, Goto A, Oba S, Noda M, Sawada N, Tsugane S. Low-carbohydrate diet and type 2 diabetes risk in Japanese men and women: the Japan Public Health Center-Based Prospective Study. PLoS One, 10(2):e0118377, 2015. (Feb)   

Kurotani K, Kochi T, Nanri A, Eguchi M, Kuwahara K, Tsuruoka H, Akter S, Ito R, Pham NM, Kabe I, Mizoue T. Dietary patterns and sleep symptoms in Japanese workers: the Furukawa Nutrition and Health Study. Sleep Med, 16(2):298-304, 2015. (Feb)   

Sarris J, Logan AC, Akbaraly TN, Amminger P, Balanzá-Martinez V, Freeman MP, Hibbeln J, Matsuoka Y, Mischoulon D, Mizoue T, Nanri A, Nishi D, Parletta N, Ramsey D, Rucklidge JJ, Sanchez-Villegas A, Scholey A, Su KP, Jacka FN. Nutritional medicine as mainstream in psychiatry. Lancet Psychiatry, 2: 271-274, 2015 (Personal view). (Mar)  http://www.www.thelancet.com 

Pham NM, Nanri A, Yasuda K, Kurotani K, Kuwahara K, Akter S, Sato M, Hayabuchi H, Mizoue T. Habitual consumption of coffee and green tea in relation to serum adipokines: a cross-sectional study. Eur J Nutr, 54(2):205-214, 2015. (Mar)  PubMed.gif 

Nawa T, Nakagawa T, Mizoue T, Endo K. Low-dose CT Screening in Japan. J Thorac Imaging, 30(2):108-114, 2015. (Mar)   

Mizoue T, Kochi T, Akter S, Eguchi M, Kurotani K, Tsuruoka H, Kuwahara K, Ito R, Kabe I, Nanri A. Low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations are associated with increased likelihood of having depressive symptoms among Japanese workers. J Nutr, 145(3):541-546, 2015. (Mar)   

Kimura Y, Pham NM, Yasuda K, Nanri A, Kurotani K, Kuwahara K, Akter S, Sato M, Hayabuchi H, Mizoue T. Association of adulthood weight gain with circulating adipokine and insulin resistance in the Japanese population. Eur J Clin Nutr, 69(4):462-466, 2015. (Apr)   

Miki T, Kochi T, Eguchi M, Kuwahara K, Tsuruoka H, Kurotani K, Ito R, Akter S, Kashino I, Pham NM, Kabe I, Kawakami N, Mizoue T, Nanri A. Dietary intake of minerals in relation to depressive symptoms in Japanese employees: the Furukawa Nutrition and Health Study. Nutrition, 31(5):686-690, 2015. (May)   

Goto A, Noda M, Matsushita Y, Goto M, Kato M, Isogawa A, Takahashi Y, Kurotani K, Oba S, Nanri A, Mizoue T, Yamagishi K, Yatsuya H, Saito I, Kokubo Y, Sawada N, Inoue M, Iso H, Kadowaki T, Tsugane S; JPHC Study Group. Hemoglobin a1c levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease in people without known diabetes: a population-based cohort study in Japan. Medicine (Baltimore), 94(17):e785, 2015. (May)   

Kato M, Noda M, Mizoue T, Goto A, Takahashi Y, Matsushita Y, Nanri A, Iso H, Inoue M, Sawada N, Tsugane S; JPHC Study Group. Diagnosed diabetes and premature death among middle-aged Japanese: results from a large-scale population-based cohort study in Japan (JPHC study). BMJ Open, 3;5(4):e007736, 2015. (May)   

Kashino I, Nanri A, Kurotani K, Akter S, Yasuda K, Sato M, Hayabuchi H, Mizoue T. Association of dietary patterns with serum adipokines among Japanese: a cross-sectional study. Nutr J, 14(1):58, 2015. (Jun)   

Akter S, Okazaki H, Kuwahara K, , Miyamoto T, Murakami T, Shimizu C, Shimizu M, Tomita K, Nagahama S, Eguchi M, Kochi T, Imai T, Nishihara A, Sasaki N, Nakagawa T, Yamamoto S, Honda T, Uehara A, Yamamoto M, Hori A, Sakamoto N, Nishiura C, Totsuzaki T, Kato N, Fukasawa K, Pham NM, Kurotani K, Nanri A, Kabe I, Mizoue T,Sone T, Dohi S; Japan Epidemiology Collaboration on Occupational Health Study Group. Smoking, Smoking Cessation, and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes among Japanese Adults: Japan Epidemiology Collaboration on Occupational Health Study. PLoS One, 10(7):e0132166,2015.(Jul)   

Wakai K, Sugawara Y, Tsuji I, Tamakoshi A, Shimazu T, Matsuo K, Nagata C, Mizoue T, Tanaka K, Inoue M, Tsugane S, Sasazuki S. Risk of lung cancer and consumption of vegetables and fruit in Japanese: a pooled analysis of cohort studies in Japan. Cancer Sci, 106(8):1057-1065, 2015. (Aug)   

Kuwahara K, Honda T, Nakagawa T, Yamamoto S, Akter S, Hayashi T, Mizoue T. Associations of leisure-time, occupational, and commuting physical activity with risk of depressive symptoms among Japanese workers: a cohort study. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act, 12:119, 2015. (Sep)   

Miki T, Kochi T, Kuwahara K, Eguchi M, Kurotani K, Tsuruoka H, Ito R, Kabe I, Kawakami N, Mizoue T, Nanri A. Dietary patterns derived by reduced rank regression (RRR) and depressive symptoms in Japanese employees: the Furukawa Nutrition and Health Study. Psychiatry Res229(1-2):214-219, 2015. (Sep)   

Sarris J, Logan AC, Akbaraly TN, Amminger P, Balanzá-Martinez V, Freeman MP, Hibbeln J, Matsuoka Y, Mischoulon D, Mizoue T, Nanri A, Nishi D, Parletta N, Ramsey D, Rucklidge JJ, Sanchez-Villegas A, Scholey A, Su KP, Jacka FN. International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research consensus position statement: nutritional medicine in modern psychiatry. World Psychiatry, 14(3):370-371, 2015. (Letter to the Editor). (Oct)   

Honda T*, Kuwahara K*, Nakagawa T, Yamamoto S, Hayashi T, Mizoue T. Leisure-time, occupational, and commuting physical activity and risk of type 2 diabetes in Japanese workers: A cohort study. BMC Public Health, 15:1004, 2015. (Oct) *Co-first authors.   

Kashino I, Mizoue T, Tanaka K, Tsuji I, Tamakoshi A, Matsuo K, Wakai K, Nagata C, Inoue M, Tsugane S, Sasazuki S; Research Group for the Development and Evaluation of Cancer Prevention Strategies in Japan. Vegetable consumption and colorectal cancer risk: an evaluation based on a systematic review and meta-analysis among the Japanese population. Jpn J Clin Oncol, 45(10):973-979, 2015. (Oct)   

Kuwahara K, Honda T, Nakagawa T, Yamamoto S, Nanri A, Kurotani K, Hayashi T, Mizoue T. Strength training and risk of type 2 diabetes in a Japanese working population: a cohort study. J Diabetes Investig, 6(6):655-661, 2015. (Nov)    

Nanri A, Nakagawa T, Kuwahara K, Yamamoto S, Honda T, Okazaki H, Uehara A, Yamamoto M, Miyamoto T, Kochi T, Eguchi M, Murakami T, Shimizu C, Shimizu M, Tomita K, Nagahama S, Imai T, Nishihara A, Sasaki N, Hori A, Sakamoto N, Nishiura C, Totsuzaki T, Kato N, Fukasawa K, Huanhuan H, Akter S, Kurotani K, Kabe I, Mizoue T, Sone T, Dohi S for the Japan Epidemiology Collaboration on Occupational Health Study Group. Development of risk score for predicting 3-year incidence of type 2 diabetes: Japan Epidemiology Collaboration on Occupational Health Study. PLoS One, 10(11):e0142779,2015. (Nov)   http://www.plosone.org/ 


黒谷佳代, 世界の現場で見えてきたこと フィールドワーカーがみた“学校保健” 第5回 スリランカにおける学校を中核とした健康増進活動の普及の試み. 健, 43(10):6-7, 2015. 

今井鉄平, 土肥誠太郎, 加部勇, 宮本俊明, 中川徹, 西原亜紀子, 桑原恵介, 溝上哲也. 日本の労働者における残業時間と高血圧有病率の関連について:断面調査結果より. 産業医学ジャーナル , 38(2), 2015. (許可を得て刊行論文を和訳したもの) 

桑原恵介, 溝上哲也. 日本の運動疫学コホート(8)職域多施設研究. 運動疫学研究. 2015;17(1):43-45.

溝上哲也. ビタミンDと大腸がん・糖尿病・抑うつ. イルシー , 2015,122:3-8. 

黒谷佳代, 溝上哲也. 糖尿病の一次予防 ― 地域住民コホート研究から見えてくるもの ―. プラクティス, 32(5):521-528, 2015. 

黒谷佳代. 世界見聞録 健康の輪の広がり ― 子どもから親へ、子どもから地域へ、地域からさらに他の地域へ ―. 月刊新医療, 42(12), 2015.





Imai T, Kuwahara K, Nishihara A, Kochi T, Eguchi M, Honda T, Yamamoto S, Nakagawa T, Miyamoto T, Dohi S. Overtime work and incidence of hypertension among Japanese workers: the J-ECOH Study. The 31st International Congress on Occupational Health, Seoul, Korea, May, 2015 

Kuwahara K, Honda T, Nakagawa T, Yamamoto S, Hayashi T, Mizoue T. Leisure-time, occupational, and commuting physical activity and risk of depressive symptoms among Japanese workers: a cohort study. 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Edinburgh, UK, June, 2015 


黒谷佳代、佐藤匡央、田中翔士、加嶋健太郎、南里明子、安田和基、早渕仁美、溝上哲也. Even- and odd-chain saturated fatty acids are differentially associated with adipokines.   第25回日本疫学会学術総会,名古屋,1月,2015

アクターシャミマ、江口将史、桑原恵介、幸地勇、伊藤理恵、黒谷佳代、鶴岡寛子、南里明子、加部勇、溝上哲也. High dietary acid load is associated with insulin resistance among Japanese adults: the Furukawa Nutrition and Health Study.   第25回日本疫学会学術総会,名古屋,1月,2015

樫野いく子、南里明子、黒谷佳代、アクターシャミマ、安田和基、早渕仁美、溝上哲也. Dietary Patterns and Serum Adipokines in Japanese working population. 第25回日本疫学会学術総会,名古屋,1月,2015

桑原恵介、本多融、中川徹、山本修一郎、黒谷佳代、南里明子、林剛司、溝上哲也. .Association of leisure time and occupational physical activities with risk of metabolic syndrome in Japanese workers. 第25回日本疫学会学術総会,名古屋,1月,2015

絹川千尋、樫野いく子、西浦千尋、堀愛、桑原恵介、加部勇、土肥誠太郎. 喫煙と精神疾患罹患による長期休業との関連:J-ECOH スタディ(第10報). 第88回日本産業衛生学会,大阪,5月,2015

坂本宣明、南里明子、樫野いく子、長濱さつ絵、加部勇、溝上哲也、土肥誠太郎. 血色素量がHbA1c値に与える影響と健康診断時に留意すべき点の検討:J-ECOH スタディ (第11報).第88回日本産業衛生学会,大阪,5月,2015

大崎陽平、黒谷佳代、本多融、桑原恵介、山本修一郎、中川徹、林剛司. 交代制勤務と糖尿病発症に関するコホート研究:J-ECOHスタディ(第12報). 第25回日本産業衛生学会 産業医・産業看護全国協議会,山口,9月,2015

樫野いく子、南里明子、黒谷佳代、早渕仁美. 食事パターンと血清アディポカイントの関連. 第62回日本栄養改善学会学術総会,福岡,9月,2015


溝上哲也.太陽紫外線及びビタミンDと消化器がん. 太陽紫外線防御研究委員会シンポジウム, 名古屋, 3月, 2015

溝上哲也.ビタミンDと大腸がん・糖尿病・抑うつに関する疫学研究. 国際食品栄養協会シンポジウム, 東京, 6月, 2015

南里明子.Diet and depressive symptoms in Japan .第62回日本栄養改善学会学術総会,福岡,9月,2015 (合同国際シンポジウム: Diet and mental health: epidemiologic evidence and intervention)

溝上哲也.働く人のこころを支える食生活. 第59回中国四国合同産業衛生学会, 松山, 12月, 2015 (特別講演)