
トップページ > 疫学予防研究部 > 研究実績 > 2016年 研究業績

2016年 研究業績


In press or accepted

Nawa T, Kusano S, Nakagawa T, Mizoue T. Tachi H, Shimizu K, Yamamoto Y, Hirai S. CT emphysema constitute a high risk group for future airflow obstruction. Ningen Dock International (in press)

Akter S, Eguchi M, Kuwahara K, Kochi T, Ito R, Kurotani K, Tsuruoka H, Nanri A, Kabe I, Mizoue T. High dietary acid load is associated with insulin resistance: The Furukawa Nutrition and Health Study. Clin Nutr. 

Poudel KC, Poudel-Tandukar K, Mizoue T, Palmer PH, Acharya B, Pandey BD, Kobayashi J, Jimba M, Oka S. Co-infection of sexually transmitted infections among HIV-positive individuals: cross-sectional results of a community-based Positive Living with HIV (POLH) Study in Nepal. J Int Assoc Prov AIDS Care,

Fujii J, Mizoue T, Kita T, Kishimoto H, Joh K, Nakada Y, Ugajin S, Naya Y, Nakamura T, Tada Y, Okabe N, Maruyama Y, Saitoh K, Kurozawa Y. Risk of haemolytic uraemic syndrome caused by shiga-toxin-producing Escherichia coli infection in adult women in Japan. Epidemiol Infect

Goto A, Noda M, Sawada N, Kato M, Hidaka A, Mizoue T, Shimazu T, Yamaji T, Iwasaki M, Sasazuki S, Inoue M, Kadowaki T, Tsugane S; JPHC Study Group. High hemoglobin A1c levels within the non-diabetic range are associated with the risk of all cancers. Int J Cancer

Miki T, Eguchi M, Kurotani K, Kochi T, Kuwahara K, Ito R, Kimura Y, Tsuruoka H, Akter S, Kashino I, Kabe I, Kawakami N, Mizoue T. Dietary fiber intake and depressive symptoms in Japanese employees: the Furukawa Nutrition and Health Study. Nutrition, 

Kabeya Y, Goto A, Kato M, Matsushita Y, Takahashi Y, Isogawa A, Inoue M, Mizoue T, Tsugane S, Kadowaki T, Noda M. Time Spent Walking and Risk of Diabetes in Japanese Adults: The Japan Public Health Center- Based Prospective Diabetes Study. J Epidemiol,




Hu HH, Kurotani K, Kuwahara K, Akter S, Kashino I, Mizoue T. Optimal waist circumference cut-off points and ability of different metabolic syndrome criteria for predicting diabetes in men and women: J-ECOH Study. 第26回日本疫学会学術総会, 米子, 1月, 2016

桑原恵介、本多融、中川徹、山本修一郎、林剛司、溝上哲也. 余暇運動量の変化と前糖尿病および糖尿病発症リスク:職域コホート研究. 第26回日本疫学会学術総会, 米子, 1月, 2016

長濱さつ絵、樫野いく子、黒谷佳代、南里明子、桑原恵介、Hu HH、道川武紘、溝上哲也、村上義孝、西脇祐司. HbA1c と将来の聴力低下との関連. 第26回日本疫学会学術総会, 米子, 1月, 2016

樫野いく子、黒谷佳代、Akter S、南里明子、李云善、河井一明、葛西宏、溝上哲也. 食事由来の抗酸化能と炎症及び酸化ストレスマーカーとの関連.第26回日本疫学会学術総会, 米子, 1月, 2016 

Akter S, Eguchi M, Kurotani K, Kochi T, Kashino I, Ito R, Kuwahara K, Tsuruoka H, Kabe I, Mizoue T. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and metabolic syndrome in a Japanese working population: the Furukawa Nutrition and Health Study. 第26回日本疫学会学術総会, 米子, 1月, 2016
