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The National Center for Global Health and Medicine and the Siloam Hospitals Group have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for clinical research cooperation: Expanding and Empowering Clinical Research in Indonesia, the Archipelago Country


Main Point

On August 13th, 2022, National Center for Global Health and Medicine (NCGM) concluded a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Siloam Hospitals Group (SHG) (1), which is the leading and largest hospital group, operating 42 Siloam hospitals and 31 clinics all over Indonesia. Dr. Wataru Sugiura, the Director of the Center for Clinical Sciences (CCS) NCGM, and Dr. Grace Frelita, the Director of SHG, were present for the MOU signing. In addition, the NCGM-Siloam joint seminar, "Raising Awareness & Engagement in Clinical Research for Future Healthcare Transformation," was held to launch the newly established Clinical Research Department in SHG. The event was reported on three National TV channels. (Dr. Sugiura's interview starts from 1min 6 sec).

  • MRCCC Siloam Hospitals Semanggi

  • Siloam Hospitals TB Simatupang

  • Siloam Hospitals Lippo Village

MOU pictures taking (from left to right: Ms. Marlinang Siburian (DIT, CCS, NCGM), Ms. Miyawaki (AMED), Ms. Miwa Sonoda (DIT, CCS, NCGM)
Dr. Dina Nilasari (SHG), Dr. Ivet Suriapranata (MRIN), Dr. Grace Frelita (SHG), Prof. Dr. Irawan Yusuf (MRIN), Dr. Sugiura (CCS, NCGM)
Dr. Iiyama (DIT, CCS, NCGM), Dr. Lucy (SHG), Dr. Juandy Jo (MRIN), Dr. Teridah Ginting (MRIN)).

Overview of the collaboration between NCGM and SHG

Indonesia is an archipelago country with around 17,000 islands covering 1.9 million km2 (almost 5 times Japan's area) and a 275 million population in which 134 million (~50%) of the population live in remote and rural areas. SHG is a private hospital group established in 1996, with 42 hospitals and 31 clinics in 29 provinces across the country. Among them, six clinics are located in the Papua region, the most rural area in Indonesia. SHG is also the first hospital certified by Joint Commission International (JCI). SHG has 7,732 nurses and medical staff; 3,430 GPs, Specialists, and Dentists; and 3,792 inpatient beds. NCGM, through the Department of International Trials (DIT), has been working with SHG for a clinical study on the in-vitro diagnostic for COVID-19 together with Mochtar Riady Institute for Nanotechnology (MRIN) Research Center since 2021.

SHG has established the Clinical Research Department to further improve the quality of its services to the Indonesian people. This Department is initiated by dr. Dina Nilasari, Ph.D., Sp.PD-KGH who participated in the Short Training Program for Multiregional Clinical Trials held in January 2020 in Japan, organized by DIT of NCGM. The COVID-19 pandemic made people more aware of the importance of clinical research for early access to advanced medical services by providing evidence-based treatment and care. In such a timely manner, SHG approached NCGM to collaborate on establishing its Clinical Research Department. Understanding the potential of SHG and their commitment to providing better healthcare for the country, not only in the central cities but down to the rural areas where quality healthcare is lacking, NCGM started to support SHG. The collaboration goals are to assist the Clinical Research Department in strengthening its organizational structure and management system, training and motivating personnel for clinical research conduct, and building a research network with the government, pharmaceutical industry, and academia. NCGM forms of support will be in providing training and also consultation to SHG. For the early steps, NCGM supports SHG for capacity building of clinical research professionals through a local seminar and workshop and by inviting selected participants for training in Japan.

MOU signing ceremony and launching event of the Clinical Research Department

The MOU signing ceremony was held on August 13th, 2022, and Dr. Sugiura, Director of CCS, gave an opening remark to represent NCGM. This MOU signing made SHG the 4th institution in Indonesia that has officially collaborated with NCGM, following the Sulianti Saroso National Infectious Diseases Hospital, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Indonesia, and Mocthar Riady Institute for Nanotechnology (MRIN) Research Center. These institutions are also members of ARISE (ARO Alliance for ASEAN and East Asia), an MRCT platform that is being developed and initiated by NCGM.

The one-day NCGM-Siloam joint seminar followed the MOU ceremony entitled "Raising Awareness & Engagement in Clinical Research for Future Healthcare Transformation." On this special occasion, the Clinical Research Department was officially introduced to all of the 42-unit hospitals of SHG. The seminar comprised of three sessions with 11 speakers, including the top key opinion leaders of clinical research in Indonesia and overseas, such as the Indonesian FDA, the Ministry of Health, and the University of Indonesia, sharing their research experiences and guidance. From NCGM, Dr. Sugiura introduced the NCGM's Center for Clinical Sciences and Dr. Iiyama, Director of DIT, explained "The Importance of Clinical Research International Collaboration." In addition, the Deputy of the Bureau of Health Development Policy Agency of the Indonesian MOH attended the event virtually and gave remarks and presentations. The number of participants who attended the seminar onsite was around 100, and around 500 joined online. Most participants were from SHG, and others were from other clinical research institutes, CROs, and pharmaceutical companies. Overall, there were active and interactive questions and discussions from the participants. In addition, the event was reported on three National TV channels, including the interview with Dr. Sugiura. He gave a speech on NCGM's expectations for SHG and the importance of clinical research.

Prospects for future

As a follow-up to this introductory event, a GCP (Good Clinical Practice) training workshop is scheduled at SHG in October 2022, targeting selected medical staff and researchers who have an interest and strong motivation in clinical research. This workshop also aims to create a pool of clinical trialists who can support and conduct clinical research in the future. SHG's participation in ARISE network is also expected to strengthen the international clinical trials network in Asia.

As an archipelago country with a large population, Indonesia faces challenges by its geographical barrier to providing and creating quality and equitable healthcare for all citizens. The clinical research collaboration will benefit not only sponsors but also the study sites and community by improving the expertise of healthcare professionals and research infrastructures, accelerating the development process of new medical products, and regulatory approval. As a result, it will ensure people's access to better medical services.

Dr. Sugiura presented about NCGM and CCS activities to the audience

Dr. Iiyama presented ARISE in the panel discussion with Dr. Dina Nilasari (left), Head of
the Clinical Research Department, SHG, Prof. Dr. Irawan Yusuf, President of MRIN, and Prof. Dr.
Rianto Setiabudy, KOL of Clinical Research, Faculty of the Medicine University of Indonesia.

About Siloam Hospitals Group

Aside from providing tertiary or secondary healthcare services, the doctors and nurses also provide routine education to the community, mainly on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, children malnutrition, and immunization program, which are all the focus of the national healthcare program. Another uniqueness of this hospital is that it supports the empowerment of human resources in Indonesia, in this case, in the healthcare field. SHG is under the same group with the University of Pelita Harapan (UPH), which has a Nursing Faculty and a Medical Faculty. UPH provides full scholarships at the Nursing Faculty, accepting potential students from provinces around the country, including the relatively underdeveloped provinces in the Eastern part of Indonesia such as in Sulawesi Island, Nusa Tenggara, and Papua (Sindonews, 2020)[1]. Once they graduate, they will be placed to work at the SHG hospitals. This system benefits not only the community but also the hospitals by creating a sustainable workforce with standardized quality. With that, quality healthcare service can also be maintained and improved across the nation.

Although SHG is a private hospital, it also supports the universal health care program by the government that is aimed to ensure access and equitable healthcare service to every Indonesian citizen. SHG cooperated with the BPJS (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan), the national social security agency and accepts patients under the BPJS insurance scheme. Up to now, the BPJS participation coverage has reached 82% of the Indonesian population.


[1] Sindonews. (2020). UPH Sediakan Beasiswa Penuh untuk Guru dan Perawat Profesional (UPH provides full scholarship to become Professional Teachers and Nurses). https://edukasi.sindonews.com/read/155358/213/uph-sediakan-beasiswa-penuh-untuk-guru-dan-perawat-profesional-1599304164?showpage=all

Upper: Locations and of Hospitals and Clinics of Siloam Hospitals Group.
Lower: Activities of doctors and nurses of SHG in rural areas.