
トップページ > グローバルヘルス&メディスン室 > 研究実績 > 2019年 研究業績

2019年 研究業績

1 論文発表

1-1 英文論文 (*corresponding author )

  1. Tang H, Song P, Wang Z, Han B, Meng X, Pan Y, Meng X, Duan W. A basic understanding of congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunt: incidence, mechanism, complications, diagnosis, and treatment. Intractable Rare Dis Res. 2020; 9:64-70.
  2. Song P, Midorikawa Y, Nakayama H, Higaki T, Moriguchi M, Aramaki O, Yamazaki S, Aoki M, Teramoto K, Takayama T. Patients’ prognosis of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and combined hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma after resection. Cancer Med. 2019; 8:5862-5871.
  3. He J, Song P, Kang Q, Zhang X, Hu J, Yang Y, Tang M, Chen D, Hu S, Jin C. Overview on social security system of rare diseases in China. BioSci Trends. 2019; 13:314-323.
  4. Karako K, Chen Y, Song P*, Tang W. Super-aged society: Constructing an integrated information platform of self-recording lifelogs and medical records to support health care in Japan. BioSci Trends. 2019; 13:276-278.
  5. Tang M, Song P, He J. Progress on drug pricing negotiations in China. BioSci Trends. 2019; 13:464-468.
  6. Chen R, Xu P, Song P, Wang M, He J. China has faster pace than Japan in population aging in next 25 years. Biosci Trends. 2019; 13:287-291.
  7. Song P, Tang W, Kokudo N. Policy measures taken in Japan to improve the quality of life for patients with rare/intractable diseases, Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs. 2019; 7:261-264.
  8. Wang H, Jin C, Bai F, Lin X, Fang L, Sun H, Cheng W, Song P*. Driving factors and mode transformation regarding health technology assessment (HTA) in China: Problems and recommendations. Biosci Trends. 2019; 13:110-116.
  9. Song P, Tang W. The community-based integrated care system in Japan: Health care and nursing care challenges posed by super-aged society. Biosci Trends. 2019; 13:279-281.
  10. He J, Tang M, Zhang X, Chen D, Kang Q, Yang Y, Hu J, Jin C, Song P*. Incidence and prevalence of 121 rare diseases in China: Current status and challenges. Intractable Rare Dis Res. 2019; 8:89-97.

2 書籍

2-1 中国語翻訳書籍

  1. 唐偉(中国語版・翻訳・編集):「手術の流儀」(南江堂・東京大学医学部肝胆膵外科、人工臓器・移植外科國土典宏/阪本良弘編集);中国人民衛生出版社;2019 年; 宋 培培 (共訳者)

3 講演、学会発表など

3-1 招待講演(英文)

  1. Song P. Patients’ prognosis of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and combined hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma after resection. The 10th Asia-Pacific Primary Liver Cancer Expert Meeting, Sapporo, Japan. August 29-31, 2019.
  2. Song P. Clinical features and prognosis of ICC and cHCC-CC after surgical resection. The 55th Annual Meeting of Liver Cancer Study Group of Japan. Tokyo, Japan. July 4-5, 2019.