トップページ > 疫学・予防研究部 > 研究実績 > 2013年 研究業績
2013年 研究業績
- Nanri A, Shimazu T, Takachi R, Ishihara J, Mizoue T, Noda M, Inoue M, Tsugane S. Dietary patterns and type 2 diabetes in Japanese men and women: the Japan Public Health Center-Based Prospective Study. Eur J Clin Nutr, 67(1):18-24, 2013. (Jan)
- Yi S, Nakagawa T, Yamamoto S, Mizoue T, Takahashi Y, Noda M, Matsushita Y. Short sleep duration in association with CT- scanned abdominal fat areas: the Hitachi Health Study. Int J Obes (Lond), 37(1):129-134, 2013. (Jan)
- Saito J, Nonaka D, Mizoue T, Kobayashi J, Jayatilleke AC, Shrestha S, Kikuchi K, Haque SE, Yi S, Ayi I, Jimba M. Limited potential of school textbooks to prevent tobacco use among students grade 1-9 across multiple developing countries: a content analysis study. BMJ Open, 3(2):e002340, 2013. (Feb)
- Kurotani K, Nanri A, Goto A, Mizoue T, Noda M, Kato M, Inoue M,Tsugane S. Vegetable and fruit intake and risk of type 2 diabetes: Japan public health center-based prospective study. Br J Nutr, 109(4):709-717, 2013. (Feb)
- Akter S, Nanri A, Pham NM, Kurotani K, Mizoue T. Dietary patterns and metabolic syndrome in a Japanese working population. Nutr Metab(Lond), 10(1):30, 2013. (Mar)
- Pham NM, Nanri A, Yi S, Kurotani K, Akter S, Foo LH, Nishi N, Sato M, Hayabuchi H, Mizoue T. Serum ferritin is associated with markers of insulin resistance in Japanese men but not in women. Metabolism, 62(4):561-567, 2013. (Apr)
- Akter S, Kurotani K, Nanri A, Pham NM, Sato M, Hayabuchi H, Mizoue T. Dairy consumption is associated with decreased insulin resistance among the Japanese. Nutr Res, 33(4):286-292, 2013. (Apr)
- Eshak ES, Iso H, Mizoue T, Inoue M, Noda M, Tsugane S. Soft drink, 100% fruit juice, and vegetable juice intakes and risk of diabetes mellitus. Clin Nutr,32(2):300-308, 2013. (Apr)
- Kurotani K, Kochi T, Nanri A, Tsuruoka H, Kuwahara K, Pham NM, Kabe I, Mizoue T. Plant oils were associated with low prevalence of impaired glucose metabolism in Japanese workers. Plos One, 8(5):e64758, 2013. (May)
- Murakami H, Akashi H, Noda S, Mizoue T, Okazaki O, Ouchi Y, Okaji Y, Kajiwara C, Miyoshi C. A Cross-Sectional Survey of Blood Pressure of a Coastal City's Resident Victims of the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami. Am J Hypertens, 26(6):799-807, 2013. (Jun)
- Kume A, Kurotani K, Sato M, Ejima Y, Pham NM, Nanri A, Kuwahara K, Mizoue T. Polyunsaturated fatty acids in serum and homocysteine concentrations in Japanese men and women: a cross-sectional study. Nutr Metab(Lond), 10(1):41, 2013. (Jun)
- Iikura M, Yi S, Ichimura Y, Hori A, Izumi S, Sugiyama H, Kudo K, Mizoue T, Kobayashi N. Effect of lifestyle on asthma control in Japanese patients: importance of periodical exercise and raw vegetable diet. PLoS One, 8(7):e68290, 2013. (Jul)
- Hang NT, Maeda S, Lien LT, Thuong PH, Hung NV, Thuy TB, Nanri A, Mizoue T, Hoang NP, Cuong VC, Ngoc KT, Sakurada S, Endo H, Keicho N. Primary drug-resistant tuberculosis in Hanoi, Viet Nam: present status and risk factors. PLoS One, 8(8):e71867, 2013. (Aug)
- Pham NM, Mizoue T, Tanaka K, Tsuji I, Tamakoshi A, Matsuo K, Wakai K, Nagata C, Inoue M, Tsugane S, Sasazuki S; Research Group for the Development and Evaluation of Cancer Prevention Strategies in Japan. Fish consumption and colorectal cancer risk: an evaluation based on a systematic review of epidemiologic evidence among the Japanese population. Jpn J Clin Oncol, 43(9):935-941, 2013. (Sep)
- Kuwahara K, Nanri A, Pham NM, Kurotani K, Kume A, Sato M, Kawai K, Kasai H, Mizoue T. Serum vitamin B6, folate, and homocysteine concentrations and oxidative DNA damage in Japanese men and women. Nutrition, 29(10): 1219-1223, 2013. (Oct)
- Nanri A.Nutritional epidemiology of type 2 diabetes and depressive symptoms. J Epidemiol, 23(4):243-250, 2013. (May)
- Nanri A, Pham NM, Kurotani K, Kume A, Kuwahara K, Sato M, Hayabuchi H, Mizoue T. Serum pyridoxal concentrations and depressive symptoms among Japanese adults: results from a prospective study. Eur J Clin Nutr, 67(10): 1060-1065, 2013. (Oct)
- Kurotani K, Nanri A, Goto A, Mizoue T, Noda M, Oba S, Kato M, Matsushita Y, Inoue M and Tsugane S. Red meat consumption is associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes in men but not in women: a Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study. Br J Nutr, 110(10): 1910-1918, 2013. (Oct)
- Matsushita Y, Nakagawa T, Yamamoto S, Takahashi Y, Yokoyama T, Mizoue T, Noda M. Effect of longitudinal changes in visceral fat area on incidence of metabolic risk factors: The Hitachi Health Study. Obesity (Silver Spring), 21(10):2126-2129. 2013. (Oct)
- Kikuchi H, Nanri A, Hori A, Sato M, Kawai K, Kasai H, Mizoue T. Lower serum levels of total cholesterol are associated with higher urinary levels of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine. Nutr Metab , 10:59. 2013. (Oct)
- Sakamoto N, Nanri A, Kochi T, Tsuruoka H, Pham NM, Kabe I, Matsuda S, Mizoue T. Bedtime and sleep duration in relation to depressive symptoms among Japanese workers. J Occup Health, 55(6), 479-486, 2013. (Nov)
- Sasazuki S, Charvat H, Hara A, Wakai K, Nagata C, Nakamura K, Tsuji I, Sugawara Y, Tamakoshi A, Matsuo K, Oze I, Mizoue T, Tanaka K, Inoue M, Tsugane S; for the Research Group for the Development and Evaluation of Cancer Prevention Strategies in Japan. Diabetes mellitus and cancer risk: Pooled analysis of eight cohort studies in Japan. Cancer Sci, 104(11):1499-1507. 2013. (Nov)
- Nanri A, Mizoue T, Poudel-Tandukar K, Noda M, Kato M, Kurotani K, Goto A, Oba S, Inoue M, Tsugane S. Dietary patterns and suicide in Japanese adults: the Japan Public Health Center-Based Prospective Study. Br J Psychiatry, 203, 422-427, 2013. (Dec)
- Kabeya Y, Goto A, Kato M, Takahashi Y, Matsushita Y, Inoue M, Mizoue T, Tsugane S, Kadowaki T, Noda M. History of having a macrosomic infant and the risk of diabetes: the Japan public health center-based prospective diabetes study. PLoS One, 8(12):e84542, 2013. (Dec)
- Oba S, Nanri A, Kurotani K, Goto A, Kato M, Mizoue T, Noda M, Inoue M, Tsugane S. Dietary glycemic index, glycemic load and incidence of type 2 diabetes in Japanese men and women: the Japan public health center-based prospective study. Nutr J, 12(1), 165, 2013. (Dec)