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グローバルヘルス&メディスン室 室長
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Peipei SONG 医学博士 |
氏名: 宋培培 ソウ バイバイ
役職: 国立国際医療研究センター 臨床研究センター
グローバルヘルス&メディスン室 室長
国立看護大学校 特任教授
Executive Editor, Global Health & Medicine
Executive Editor, GHM Open
・ 国際医療政策管理学
・ グローバルヘルシーエイジング
・ 医療技術評価
・ 医療・健康 ビッグデータの解析と評価
2010-2011 東京大学医学部附属病院・肝胆膵外科・客員研究員
2011-2015 東京大学大学院医学系研究科 博士課程外科学専攻 医学博士・学位取得
2015-2018 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科・共同研究員
2018-2019 日本大学医学部消化器外科・研究員
2019-2021 国立国際医療研究センター 国際医療協力局
2020-2022 国立看護大学校・特任准教授
2021-現在 国立国際医療研究センター 臨床研究センター
2023-現在 国立看護大学校・特任教授
・ 論文発表:140篇 (英文128篇)、著書:4部(共著)
・ 研究助成: 17 課題(代表研究者6課題、分担者11課題)
(2024 年 8 月までに 140 以上の学術論文が掲載·発表)
SELECTED PUBLICATIONS (*corresponding author)
- Tang M, Zhang XY, Ye ZP, Feng LF, Yang Y, Hou ZY, Bai F, Lin X, Liu XY, Yang H, Hu SL, Song P*, He JJ. The initiation, exploration, and development of hospital-based health technology assessment in China: 2005–2022. Biosci Trends. 2023; 17:1-13.
- Karako K, Song P*, Chen Y, Karako T. COVID-19 in Japan during 2020-2022: Characteristics, responses, and implications for the health care system. J Glob Health. 2022; 12:03073.
- Karako K, Song P*, Chen Y, Karako T. An average of nearly 200,000 new infections per day over a six-week period: What is the impact of such a severe COVID-19 pandemic on the healthcare system in Japan? Biosci Trends. 2022; 16:371-373.
- Wen N, Cai Y, Li F, Ye H, Tang W, Song P*, Cheng N. The clinical management of hepatocellular carcinoma worldwide: A concise review and comparison of current guidelines: 2022 update. Biosci Trends. 2022; 16:20-30.
- Karako K, Song P*, Chen Y, Tang W. Increasing demand for point-of-care testing and the potential to incorporate the Internet of medical things in an integrated health management system. Biosci Trends. 2022; 16:4-6.
- Song P, Mitsuya H, Kokudo N. COVID-19 in Japan: An update on national policy, research, clinical practice, and vaccination campaign. Glob Health Med. 2022; 4:64-66.
- Karako K, Song P*, Chen Y, Tang W, Kokudo N. Overview of the characteristics of and responses to the three waves of COVID-19 in Japan during 2020-2021. Biosci Trends. 2021; 15:1-8.
- Karako K, Song P*, Chen Y, Tang W. Shifting workstyle to teleworking as a new normal in face of COVID-19: analysis with the model introducing intercity movement and behavioral pattern. Ann Transl Med. 2020; 8:1056.
- Wang H, Song P*, Gu Y, Schroeder E, Jin C. Rapid health systems change: online medical consultations to fight COVID-19. Ann Transl Med. 2020; 8:726.
- Karako K, Song P*, Chen Y, Tang W. Analysis of COVID-19 infection spread in Japan based on stochastic transition model. BioSci Trends. 2020; 14:134-138.
- Song P, Midorikawa Y, Nakayama H, Higaki T, Moriguchi M, Aramaki O, Yamazaki S, Aoki M, Teramoto K, Takayama T. Patients’ prognosis of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and combined hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma after resection. Cancer Med. 2019; 8:5862-5871.
- Karako K, Chen Y, Song P*, Tang W. Super-aged society: Constructing an integrated information platform of self-recording lifelogs and medical records to support health care in Japan. BioSci Trends. 2019; 13:276-278.
- Xia J, Rong L, Sawakami T, Inagaki Y, Song P, Hasegawa K, Sakamoto Y, Tang W. Shueng Jiedu Capsule and its active ingredients induce apoptosis, inhibit migration and invasion, and enhances doxorubicin therapeutic efficacy in hepatocellular carcinoma. Biomed Pharmacother. 2018; 9:921-930.
- Xia JF, Inagaki Y, Wang L, Song P*. Traditional Chinese medicine as complementary medicine in treatment of female infertility. Chin J Integr Med. 2017; 23:245-252.
- Song P*, Tang Q, Feng X, Tang W. Biomarkers: evaluation of clinical utility in surveillance and early diagnosis for hepatocellular carcinoma. Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 2016; 245:S70-S76.
- Song P, Xia J, Inagaki Y, Hasegawa K, Sakamoto Y, Kokudo N, Tang W. Controversies regarding and perspectives on clinical utility of biomarkers in hepatocellular carcinoma. World J Gastroenterol. 2016; 22:262-274.
- Song P, Inagaki Y, Wang ZG, Hasegawa K, Sakamoto Y, Arita J, Tang W, Kokudo N. High levels of gamma-glutamyl transferase and indocyanine green retention rate at 15 minutes as preoperative predictors of tumor recurrence in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Medicine (Baltimore). 2015; 94:e810.
- Inagaki Y, Song P, Kokudo N, Tang W. New 'multi-omics' approach and its contribution to hepatocellular carcinoma in China. Chin J Cancer Res. 2014; 26:639-640.
- Song P, Feng X, Inagaki Y, Song T, Zhang K, Wang Z, Zheng S, Ma K, Li Q, Kong D, Wu Q, Zhang T, Zhao X, Hasegawa K, Sugawara Y, Kokudo N, Tang W; Japan-China Joint Team for Medical Research and Cooperation on HCC. Clinical utility of simultaneous measurement of alpha-fetoprotein and des-γ-carboxy prothrombin for diagnosis of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in China: A multi-center case-controlled study of 1,153 subjects. Biosci Trends. 2014; 8:266-273.
- Song P, Gao J, Inagaki Y, Kokudo N, Hasegawa K, Sugawara Y, Tang W. Biomarkers: Evaluation of Screening for and Early Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Japan and China. Liver Cancer. 2013; 2:31-39.
- Song P, Feng X, Zhang K, Song T, Ma K, Kokudo N, Dong J, Tang W. Perspectives on using des-γ-carboxyprothrombin (DCP) as a serum biomarker: facilitating early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma in China. Hepatobiliary Surg Nutr. 2013; 2:227-231.
- Song P, Tobe RG, Inagaki Y, Kokudo N, Hasegawa K, Sugawara Y, Tang W. The management of hepatocellular carcinoma around the world: A comparison of guidelines from 2001 to 2011. Liver Int. 2012; 32:1053-1063.
- Gao J, Inagaki Y, Song P, Qu X, Kokudo N, Tang W. Targeting c-Met as a promising strategy for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. Pharmacol Res. 2012; 65:23-30.
1.NCGM 第1回箱根山特別功労賞(2020年度)
2.NCGM 第4回箱根山特別功労賞(2023年度)